Ex-Cadets in the News

CFB Edmonton, Base Commander 17432 Thomas Bradley (RRMC 1990) ”He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Military and Strategic Studies, Political Science and Economics concentration, from Royal Roads Military College and is a graduate of the Canadian Forces Command and Staff Course. He is the recipient of the United States Army’s Bronze Star and Canada’s…

Where are they now?

We have contacted numerous ex-cadets from the fifties through to the new millennium and plan to feature them in the coming months to give readers a chance to catch up with names and faces from each of the respective CMCs. by M0917 Dean Fleet – 13803 Mike Traynor (RRMC RMC 1982) After graduation I spent…

Ex cadet Pastor Leading a Third Trip to Israel

Pilgrimage to Israel & Petra – Our Club Chaplain, #8457 Rev. Paul Robinson (RMC 1971) and his wife Carol are leading a third trip to Israel this coming April. As in the past, they will fly direct Toronto – Tel Aviv, visiting many of the familiar sites such as Caesarea Maritima, Mount Carmel, Caesarea Philippi,…

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Young Canadians Challenge is a self-development programme available to young people aged 14-25, equipping them with life skills to make a difference to themselves, their communities and their country. People over 25 can get involved by becoming an Award leader. The Award is flexible since the individual chooses what activities…

N.S. Branch Will Resume Monthly Luncheons in September

The following photos are of the recent Nova Scotia Branch luncheon gathering, June 26, at Royal Artillery Park in Halifax. This luncheon had close to 30 people in attendance a number of individuals were graduates of this past May. We normally meet once a month, except for July and August, in the Air Force room…

Ned Amy – Ardent Advocate for the Reactivation of the Halifax Rifles.

– 2510 BGen (Ret’d) Edward A.C. “Ned” Amy OBE, DSO, MC (RMC 1936) A 1939 graduate of Royal Military College of Canada, he commanded A Squadron of the Calgary Regiment in Italy, where he won the Military Cross for his “determined and gallant leadership in taking and holding a vital bridgehead over the Moro River”…

CF GB – 17096 Carina Anne De Pellegrin – PT Member

About the Board The Canadian Forces Grievance Board is an administrative tribunal with quasi-judicial powers, independent from the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Forces (CF). The Board was created on March 1, 2000, in accordance with legislation enacted in December 1998 that contained amendments to the National Defence Act (NDA). The purpose…

RRMC Memories & Reunion News

9th Annual Royal Roads Alumni Homecoming Weekend – Details Here Karen Inkster hs been busy with other RRC assignments over the past number of days.  In place of her usual e-Veritas article, E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) has a little teaser for all you former “roadents”. In 1990, the Royal Roads Military College offered a…

Otter Squadron History Project – Marv Fletcher (RMC 2009)

M0932 Lt Marv Fletcher (RMC 2009) and E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) have put together some sample questions to interview current or former members of the Otter squadron for e-Veritas. The Otter Squadron History Project is looking for photographs, trophies and other physical artifacts that show us Otter history and traditions. Victoria: What motivated you…

Oral Interviews of Military Colleges Alumni

e-veritas has been given permission to publish excerpts of 5105 Doctor J. L. Granatstein’s (CMR RMC 1961) interviews (1991-1993) for “The Generals: the Canadian Army’s Senior Commanders in the Second World War”. 5105 fonds are at the National Defence HQ Directorate of History and Heritage. Mrs Margaret Palmer was interviewed in Oakville, Ont. on 9…

Who am I?

Who am I? Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) I was born in 1828 in Waterford, Upper Canada. I first took employment in my father’s store but became interested in military affairs, rising to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Canadian militia. I went into politics, representing Norfolk County in the Legislative Assembly for…

Legacy Dinner Back @ Yeo Hall – Cadet Mess

Thursday – 1 October – 1800 for 1830 hrs Click Ctrl + for better viewing Cliquez Ctrl et + pour agrandir la photo. The Legacy Dinner over the past 11 years has had a proud history of Ex cadets / parents & friends sponsoring cadets to attend this prestigious event. Once again we call upon…
