Flashback | Rétrospective

The Royal Military College’s central place in Canadian military circles has made it the setting for novels, plays, films and other cultural works. Sara Jeanette Duncan’s “Cousin Cinderella: A Canadian Girl in London” by Macmillan in New York and Methuen in London (1908) features Graham, a Royal Military College of Canada graduate, and his sister…

Deaths | deces

S107 HOLBROOK, George William, O.C., Ph.D., P. Eng. (Honourary member RMC Club)– December 16, 1917 – July 15, 2008. George William Holbrook was born in Asquith, Sask., December 16, 1917. He leaves his beloved wife of 64 years, Frances Mary Fletcher, and children, Adam (and his wife Mariana) and Jane (and her husband Dr. Ralph…

Trivia | Bagatelle

A) Who am I? Upon graduating from the Royal Military College in 1909, I took a position with the Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission, Toronto. At the outbreak of WWI, I was a Lieutenant in Toronto’s 4th Battery, 2nd Brigade, the Non-Permanent Active Militia. I immediately joined Canada’s First Division, going overseas with the First Contingent. I…

Quotation | Citation

  “RMC graduates aren’t just officers they’re nation-builders.” Dr. JOHN SCOTT COWAN – RMC Principal _______________________________________________________ “On a purely selfish side, flying the Sabre is a dream come true,” LCol Steve Will ________________________________________________________ “The major learning piece for me is how the much larger construct of war at sea is orchestrated from the carrier because…


“under the able, energetic, and genial leadership of Col. Hewitt, and of the instructors, to whom you owe an uncommon debt of gratitude, for their work has been very hard,… a school of arms has arisen which will bear comparison with some of the oldest of similar institutions in other countries.” Source: The Project Gutenberg…


17192 Major Sylvain Leblanc (CMR ’90) will take his release from the CF after 23 years of loyal service. Maj Leblanc enrolled on June 25th 1985. Maj Leblanc started his career at Collège militaire royal du Canada in St-Jean, where he completed his degree B Sc (Computer Science). He completed the Basic Parachutist Course while…

We get emails

We received the following e-mail from a “life-time” member of the Club who graduated from RMC in the last 10 years or so. If there are any readers out there who may be able to steer this young man in the right direction – please contact Bill Oliver and I will send the necessary coordinates….…


11th Annual Legacy Dinner Thursday, 2 October 2008, 1830h Class of 1998 Reunion details can be found at http://homepage.mac.com/jennifer_purdy/ Reunion Committee’s email is rmc.class98reunion@gmail.com Come join your classmates on facebook.com to see current contact information and photos under the “RMC Class of 98 Reunion Group” Plan on attending during the Oct 3-5th weekend in Kingston…

In This Issue 24

We have embarked on a Club membership drive. Please help us: Ex cadets; Current & former staff members (civilian & military); parents & friends; current & past students – including undergraduate and graduate level are all eligible and encouraged to join us! You can call us toll free 1-888-386-3762. Online http://www.rmcclub.ca/Membership.htm Contact us by e-mail…

Top Headlines

CANFORGEN 123/08 CLS 123 081825Z JUL 08 JUL-08CANFORGEN 123/08 CLS 016/08 081825Z JUL 08 LAUNCH OF THE FIRST ANNUAL CANADA ARMY RUN 21 SEP 08 RMC Expected to be Big Participants!! (More details to be provided in future e-Veritas) REFS: DMCS 50041 11 FEB 08 BACKGROUND. THE LAUNCH OF THE FIRST ANNUAL CANADA ARMY RUN…

What’s Happening At RMC

….. Helicopters were buzzing low over RMC and CFB (K) last Friday… and one by one, soldiers including about 12 RMC Officer Cadets rapelled out of them onto a field at the base. It looked like something out of a movie… but no stuntmen were involved with these high risk manoeuvres. All in all, close…

Ex-Cadets in the News

Diplomatic Appointments – Peter Lundy (BA Honours [History and Political Science], Royal Military College of Canada, 1986 15539 Peter Lundy (BA Honours [History and Political Science], Royal Military College of Canada, ’86; MBA [International Business], University of British Columbia, 1993) joined the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in 1993, having previously served with…
