RMC commemorates National Indigenous Peoples Day and marks the ILOY Completion Ceremony

“Now, each of you are at a new crossroad, faced with decisions once again. I was delighted to learn that all 9 graduates have chosen to continue on at either RMC, here in Kingston, or at CMR Saint-Jean. I wish you all the very best on your respective journeys, and for those of you here in Kingston, I look forward to get to know you better. And thank you for making the choice to continue to serve. Merci pour votre désir et volonté de continuer à servir notre pays.”

Change of Command for Director of Cadets at RMC

RMC said farewell to Col Paul Lockhart, outgoing Director of Cadets (DCdts). We wish him well on his future adventures! Welcome to Col Cathy Blue as the new DCdts. We look forward to her guidance! #TruthDutyValour CMR a fait ses adieux au Col Paul Lockhart, Directeur des cadets (DCdts) sortant. Nous lui souhaitons bonne chance…

Interview with Research Assistant Mr. Angelo Hollet

We sat down with Mr. Angelo Hollett, RMC Research Assistant to Dr. Gregg Wade to talk stars, astrophysics and all things Astronomy. Tell us about the research you are doing? I am working under the supervision of Gregg Wade on magnetic stars. Specifically, my research focuses on intermediate mass stars (more massive than stars like…

My Experience as an RMC Cadet at the King’s Coronation

I had the chance to meet 21364 Col. Jeremy Hansen, who was in his seldom-used airforce uniform and talked with me about RMC and his future trip around the moon. I also spoke to many of the other dignitaries in the delegation; I thanked the Prime Minister for his announcement of Canadian coronation medals, spoke to some behind-the-scenes staffers, and stumbled upon Mark Critch of 22 Minutes who just happened to be in town. By far the best conversation I had was with the High Commissioner, the Hon. Ralph Goodale, who spoke with me about the coronation and Canada’s meaningful ties to the monarchy. I left the reception overwhelmed with sheer joy of having experienced the day’s events, and I was glad to know the excellent men and women who had experienced it alongside me.

RMC Change of Command

RMC welcomes 19671 Brigadier-General Pascal Godbout (CMR RMC) Class of 1995, who will take command of RMC this Friday June 2, 2023!

126th RMC Convocation

Royal Military College of Canada/ Collège militaire royal du Canada

126th Convocation Thursday, 18 May 2023/126e Collation des grades Jeudi 18 mai 2023

Professor Nicholas Vlachopoulos, Class of 1995, inducted as a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada

This is an extremely prestigious honour bestowed on engineers in Canada as only 20 engineers a year (from across Canada and in all engineering disciplines) are recognized for “their excellence in engineering and their services to the profession and to society.”

RMC Cadet going to the NATO Chess Championship in Slovenia

“I look forward to representing the RMC Chess Club in Slovenia ˗ this will be a great opportunity to meet with NATO members and play chess,” said OCdt Tomas Zaburdyaev from the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC), upon his qualification for the team along with the new Canadian Military Chess Champion, MCpl Dominic Coulon from Canadian Forces Logistics Training Centre, at CFB Borden.

RMC Expedition Club summits Mount Washington

Class of 1962 supports Expedition Club trip to Mount Washington

RMC 126th Convocation Details May 18 and 19 2023

RMC May Convocation Details 2023

Cultural Evolution at RMC – Working at the Speed of Trust

Speculation has also followed the announcement by the Commandant of a program of cultural change or renewal at RMC. This article outlines what culture and cultural ‘evolution’ are and what is underway at the College. Only recently has the name of this process, been revised from ‘cultural change’ to ‘cultural evolution,’ as the latter term best encapsulates its goals.

Neurodiversity: Experimenting with Immersive Virtual Reality

As future officers in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), Officer Cadets and Naval Cadets are learning to act as leaders, manage members of the CAF and civilians, and relate to citizens from various backgrounds. Considering the prevalence of ASD, it is reasonable to expect that they will have substantial engagement with individuals living with the condition.
