La 42e édition du tournoi de ballon sur glace des Anciens aura lieu au CMR Saint-Jean du 29 au 31 janvier 2016. Vingt-huit équipes prendront part au tournoi cette année faisant de ce tournoi l’évènement traditionnel sportif et social rassemblant le plus grand nombre d’anciens et d’élofs années après années. Les anciens sont invités a venir assister a l’événement et plus particulièrement a la soirée du samedi 30 janvier ou le souper leur sera offert et ou l’on présentera le combat de boxe entre Jean Pascal et Sergey Kovalev.
The 42nd Annual Ex-Cadets Broomball Tournament will take place at RMC Saint-Jean from January 29th to 31st, 2016. Twenty-eight teams will take part, making of this event the largest in which old cadets and ocdts participate together year in and year out. All old cadets are welcome with free dinner on Saturday 30 Jan as well as showing of the boxing match between Jean Pascal and Sergey Kovalev.
Flickr link which takes you to all our e-Veritas albums. HERE
Melanie Hughes, James Howells, Tristan Thomson; Blake Simpson, Erik St Gelais; Colin de Grandpré; ALOY OCdt Victoria Pierrot & Denice Zoretich
In This Issue 4:
West Point earns 4-3 victory in highly entertaining penalty free game
Lots of eloquence at first rate debate
I-81 Sports Day – a.k.a. West Point Weekend – a ton of winners
Leaders of tomorrow have their say
13240 David Last: Fulbright Visiting Research Chair at Norwich University
CAF: promotions, appointments & retirements
Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean
The Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston 1921 –1925: The military side of things
Morale Building Quotes from Siegfried Sassoon
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To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key.
First CWPMC: 8452 B.C. (Brian) Patterson shares a few memories
Recent retirements of ‘buds’
Top 5 – In Their Own Words…
10143 MIKE McCartney: 45 year West Point memory – a rare one indeed
The R.S.M.’s and College Chief Warrant Officers of RMCC
Ship For Less & e-Veritas strike-up sponsorship deal
La Chasse-Galerie 2016 Rideau Canoe Trip
Jobs – Careers / Carrières
Direct from Panet House
For memberships due to expire soon; please contact us asap with your renewal.
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