Mike Kennedy: One Step Closer

One Step Closer An Update from 12570 Mike Kennedy In the January 4 edition of e-Veritas, I recounted the details of my adventures (and my agonies !) at the recent Judo Ontario Christmas Training Camp. As an update to that piece, I would like to inform readers of e-Veritas that this evening I was promoted…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Le CMR Saint-Jean participe à une compétition de Judo RMC Saint-Jean participates in a Judo competition plus / more

The Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston 1921 –1925: The military side of things

Pt 6 The Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston 1921 –1925: The military side of things. On the military side, a great deal of the organization and day-to-day administration and interior economy of a unit was learned by being a living part of it.  The cadets were organized in a battalion of two companies each…

Morale Building Quotes from Siegfried Sassoon

 Morale Building Quotes from Siegfried Sassoon: MORE…


Deaths MORE

In This Issue 3

RMCC/USMA Exchange: Judo – TKD – Rowing: All timings 0900 1200 (approx) main gym – KMCSC Chess – in the New Gym – Yeo Hall – 0900 – 1500 (approx) Two Alumni hockey games – K-Rock Centre 1200 & 1330 Debating – 1400 – Currie Hall Hockey Game at K-Rock Centre – 1930    …

Ex cadets in the news & more…

26549 2Lt Zhao: A turbulent career finally stabilizes By: WJO Some of our readers may remember 26549 2Lt Zhao from his article in December 2014 describing his challenge of possibly not having a military occupation to graduate RMC with. This is the same young man who had served as a legislative intern for former Senator…

First CWPMC: 8452 B.C. (Brian) Patterson shares a few memories

First CWPMC: 8452 B.C. (Brian) Patterson shares a few memories I entered RMC in 1966 after 5 years in RCAC (Royal Canadian Army Cadets) #39 Woodstock Collegiate Cadet Corps, and 3 RCR Militia, as well as the Fort Henry Guard. So I was not at all unfamiliar with military life, but was evidently unfamiliar with…

Keeping Tabs…

Keeping Tabs… xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx  *** MORE…

Recent retirements of ‘buds’

Recent retirements: Reserched by E3161 Victoria Edwards 20793 LCdr Jacques Major, CD1, (RMC 1997) 19386 Maj James A Patterson (RMC 1994) 11757 Cdr Kenneth Cooper (RMC 1978) 19515 Maj Michelle Dawn Sullivan (Dohm) (RRMC 1994) 17074 Maj Jeffery Bujold, CD (CMR RMC 1991) u/k LCol Peter Earle (RMC 1992) 16227 Col Martin Cournoyer (CMR 1988)…

Top 5 – In Their Own Words…

Photo by: Tristan Thomson  Caption: Top 5 eager to make their mark. (L-R) LCol Christopher Renahan, Director of Cadets; JEFFREY A. ARNOLD – CWAdO; GRAHAM MATER – DCWC; MAKYLA ST.ONGE – CWC; WILLIAM CARLE – CWTO; PIER-ALEXANDRE LACASSE – CWOpsO; and MWO Wallace Rideout, Drill Seargeant Major. The second term barslate connected with Bill Oliver recently…

The Week That Was & More…

 Photos by 26267 OCdt Erik St-Gelais Caption: The second term Barmen Workshop was conducted by Director of Cadets, LCol Renahan in the New Gym last Wednesday, 13 Jan. (Article below) Second Term – Bring it on IV Years counting the days The Way I See It – By OCdt (III) Ian Ferrier A Night at the Pub…
