Books from 3339 Captain (N) (Ret’d) Bryan Elson (RRMC 1955)

3339 Captain (N) (Re’d) Bryan Elson (RRMC 1955) is a former officer of the Royal Canadian Navy, and the current director of the Canadian Naval Memorial Trust in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He lives in Halifax. Bryan Elson retired from the Canadian Navy after 37 years of service, including four years as Commander of CFB…

Opinion: Stop Harping: $1 Billion for Summit Security is a Sound ROI

Stop Harping: $1 Billion for Summit Security is a Sound Return on Investment Financial mismanagement has cost the world trillions upon trillions of dollars, resulted in the loss of millions of jobs, and has thrown global economies and governments into grave disarray; to wit Greece and the EU. $1 billion to ensure that world leaders…

Notices | Avis

As stated in CANFORGEN 089/10, the purpose of this national celebration is to provide Canadians with the opportunity to learn about the history of Canada’s Aboriginal people, and to participate in activities that highlight the diversity of the cultures, traditions and values of the First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples. CFB Kingston’s Defence Aboriginal Advisory…

Deaths | Décès

Dr. John Michael Gilliland died at home in Victoria on Wednesday, May 5th, 2010. Born on April 13th, 1939 in Victoria. He is predeceased by his first wife Margaret and survived by his second wife Corinna. Archivist, scholar, lecturer, actor, magician and clown – all were facets of John. He studied at Vic College, UBC,…

Do you know these 16?

Match up the photo with the clue: past Engineer Officer (CME) at Canadian Forces; Associate Professor at RMC; enjoys – Sailing, Scuba diving, Skiing, Photography, Woodworking, & Travelling. graduated with a Space Science degree; is a member of the Windsor Flying Club. had this to say in a petition to the Governor General of Canada,…


Tony O’Keeffe Off to California to Start RAAM COUNTDOWN TO RAAM _ Leave a comment for Tony & the team IN THIS ISSUE 21: To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into…

Les élèves-officiers du CMR Saint-Jean défilent fièrement / RMC SJ Cadets March Proud

Photo captions: General Walt Natynczyk and Colonel François Pion review the parade. Le General Walt Natynczyk et le Colonel François Pion effectuant la revue des troupes. OCdt Marc Grenier, Cadet Wing Commander, leads the RMC Saint-Jean officer cadets on parade. L’Élof Marc Grenier, l’élève-officier commandant de l’Escadre, dirige les élèves-officiers de la parade du CMR…

Tony O’Keeffe Direct from California to e-Veritas

xx Race Across America (RAAM) Starts 9 June Noelani Shore, e-Veritas correspondent  recently caught up with Tony O’Keeffe as he he was in the final stages of preparing for RAAM 2010. When does RAAM begin? RAAM starts Weds 9 June at 1500 hrs EDT from Oceanside Ca. When did you arrive in California? Sunday, 30…

Naval History by Those who Lived and Made It

2010 Navy grads receive Salty Dips – 6604 James Carruthers (RRMC RMC 1965) recently presented the first copy of the Salty Dip CD to the navy (CMS) on behalf of the Ottawa Branch of the Naval Officers’ Association of Canada (NOAC) in his capacity as VP NOAC Ottawa. This CD is, is widely recognized as…

Ex-Cadets & More in the News

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, announced May 31, 2010 the awarding of Meritorious Service Decorations (Military Division) to individuals whose specific achievements have brought honour to the Canadian Forces and to Canada. The Meritorious Service Cross (Military Division) recognizes a military deed or activity that has been…

Where are they now?

20158 – Andrew Gower, P.Eng., PE, CMR 1991-1994 and RMC 1995-1996 When he’s not flying through the air or down a mountain on a bike, Andrew can be found running the Courtenay, BC branch of Wedler Engineering, LLP. After graduation in 1996 from the Royal Military College with his Bachelor in Civil Engineering, Andrew was…

Golf @ St. Jean 17 June & 8 JULY – RMC CLUB – India Tour – 19/27 Nov

Venez rencontrer Bob Gainey / Come meet Bob Gainey Chers anciens, L’organisation de notre tournoi annuel va bon train. Notre invité d’honneur sera nul autre que Bob Gainey. Visionnez sur le site la liste de nos commanditaires et joignez-vous à eux et aux golfeurs pour nous aider à amasser plus de $20,000 pour la…
