College Top Brass Meet Community and Academic Leaders

by M0917 Dean Fleet Principal of Queens University meets RMC Commandant, Commodore Truelove and RMC principal Joel Sokolsky in the Commandant’s office on 21 September 2009. Dr. Daniel Woolf, of British origins, earned his undergrad in History at Queen’s in 1980. From then he went on to his doctorate at Oxford University before returning to…

“I’m on Send, You’re on Receive” & Running in Memory of Mic

Starting with this edition of e-Veritas we hope to have a regular article from a cadet within the Wing. The topics will vary.  Basic ground rules apply in that the article will not criticize official Canadian Forces or RMC policy. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the…

Paladin Hockey Cadet at CISM “Golf” Selection Camp & VARSITY SPORTS UPDATE

Mixing hockey / golf / cadet duties all in a days work! by 24974 Richard Lim (RMC 2011) This summer had I had the fortunate opportunity to do something that no other RMC cadet has done in recent history; quite possibly ever. I attended the CF Golf CISM selection camp. As many are aware a…

Top 4 – Fall Semester / Team RMC Place 3rd in Superwalk for Parkinson’s

An Interview With One of The Top 4 Cadets – Fall 2009 Article & photos by 25275 OCdt Julia Anderson (From Left): Cadet Wing Training Officer 24561 Marc-Andre F.Pelland, Cadet Wing Commander 24410 Nicholas Bouchard, Deputy Cadet Wing Commander 24649 Kayla MacMillan, Cadet Wing Administration Officer 24924 Maxime Bernier-Brideau. IN CONVERSATION WITH 25275 JULIA ANDERSON…

Ex Cadets, Professors, and Staff in the News

Malgré une amputation, Simon Mailloux repart pour le front afghan Amputee soldier heads back to Afghanistan – 23350 Simon Mailloux (RMC 2006) Le capitaine Mail­loux serait le premier soldat de l’histoire militaire canadienne à retourner en zone de combat après avoir subi une amputation. Shortly after losing one of his legs while on duty in…

Where Are They Now? & Chinook Pilot Returns

We have contacted numerous ex-cadets from the fifties through to the new millennium and plan to feature them in the coming months to give readers a chance to catch up with names and faces from each of the respective CMCs. If you would like to contribute to this column, please feel free to email me…

Kelly Lupton: Physical Education Manager Q & A

Kelly Lupton is a retired Sergeant in the Army Reserves. The Queen’s University graduate has represented the Canadian Forces at two different CISM volleyball championships and two different World Military Games. The native of Georgetown, Ontario and former school teacher has worked at Personnel Support Programs (PSP) in NDHQ as a National Sports Co-ordinator and…


This photo of HMCS WALLACEBURG from her cutter (you can see it is not in its davits) at the Royal Military College jetty in Kingston, Ontario was featured in the Admiral’s Log, the official newsletter of the Admiral Desmond Piers Naval Association of Bridgewater N.S. The Algerine-class minesweeper which was acquired 1959 and stricken 1969…

Des élèves-officiers du CMRSJ à bord HMCS Ville de Québec & RMCC Comdt Visits RMCSJ

LES FUTURS OFFICIERS DES FORCES CANADIENNES ONT UN APERÇU DE LA VIE MILITAIRE – par Aspirant de marine Benjamin Deutsch Montréal – Quelques membres de la division des élèves-officiers du Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (CMR Saint-Jean) ont eu la chance de voir l’intérieur du bateau de reconnaissance HMCS Ville de Québec, mis à quai…

CMRSJ et la Course de l’armée

REUNION WEEKEND – RMC St. Jean (September 11 – 12, 2009) La Fin de Semaine de Réunion à CMR SJ Le Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean a tenu sa fin de semaine des Anciens du 11 au 13 septembre. L’événement, le second depuis la réouverture du Collège en mai 2008 fut un énorme succès. L’horaire…

Deaths | Décès

-20805 Brian Timothy Meloche, (RMC 1997) – 37, of Dartmouth, formerly of Wolfville, quietly passed away in Dartmouth General Hospital after a longtime illness on Sunday, September 20, 2009. Born on March 16, 1972, he was a son of Sandy Helmkay and Terry Meloche. Brian was a generous, caring man and a loyal friend who…

OFFICIAL OPENINGS – On Schedule – Reunion Weekend Saturday

  The back-to-back official openings for the Birchall pavilion and the Wall of Honour  are scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd.  Ex cadets / family & friends from the entire RMC extended community are invited to attend to take part in these two back-to-back historic events. In This Issue 39: Varsity Updates & Reunion Weekend Sports;…
