Hockey Captain Up For the Challenge

24662 Jeff Oke (RMC 2010) is a RETP cadet entering his fourth year at RMC. He was recently named team captain of RMC’s hockey team for the 2009-2010 season. He is training to become a MARS officer and is pursuing a degree in Civil Engineering. eVeritas recently had the opportunity to get to know Jeff…

Meet Dr. Houchang Hassan-Yari – RMCC I.L.O.

Dr. Houchang Hassan-Yari was born in Iran and is a Professor in the Department of Politics Science and Economics at Royal Military College of Canada. He received his BA at Ferdowsi University in Mashhad (Khorassan province). Dr. Hassan-Yari’s MA topic was The role of Shiism in Iranian Revolution of 1979 and his Ph.D. (Universite du…

RRMC Memories

Captain Laura Kissmann (Barr), 16395, (RMC 1984-86, RRMC 1986-88) (photo above) With Captain (Ret’d) Laurie Gibbon, 16545, (RRMC 1984-88) Captain Laura Kissmann (Barr) joined RMC in 1984 and then transferred to RRMC in 1986 where she completed a bachelor’s degree in Physics and Physical Oceanography. She spent eleven years in the regular forces in the…

Who Am I?

Who am I? Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) I was a Professor of English and the first full-time dean of the Canadian Forces Military College. I served as president of the Canadian Linguistic Association, which was founded to “promote the scientific study of the written and spoken language of Canada” I was a…

Ex Cadets & Knighthood

During the Convocation Ceremony on Wednesday May 14, H24263 Dr. John S. Cowan said to the Class of 2008 “Of the first 170 cadets who entered RMC from 1876-1883 eight received knightships for feats of leadership in many fields of endeavor on at least four continents.” After 1919 [ by a Canadian decision] Canadian were…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Fin de semaine de réunion au CMR Saint-Jean Reunion week-end at RMC Saint-Jean 2009 Richelieu vs Tracy vs Iberville vs RMC vs RRMC vs CMR Évènement spécial de dernière minute Lors du DMCV du 11 septembre 2009, une course particulière, mettant en relief la vie dans les CMC, opposera un représentant/ une représentante de chaque…

We Get Emails

Deepest Condolences to Shirley Fortier and Family It was a real shock to hear of Pete’s untimely death. He was a great friend who brought a lot of sunshine into the lives of all those who he met. I was fortunate to have seen him in early June when I met him for the last…

Deaths | Décès

3210 FORTIER, Peter Charles Hitchon (RMC 1955) (Updated Version) It is with great sadness that the family of Captain (N) (Ret’d) Peter C. Fortier, CD announces his sudden passing at the Kingston General Hospital on Thursday, July 23, 2009. Born on August 14, 1931, he will be sorely missed by his wife Shirley Fortier (nee…

3210 Peter Fortier (RMC 1954) – Memorial 19 Aug – 2PM Currie Hall

The Memorial for  3210 Peter Charles Hitchon Fortier (RMC 1954) will be held at Royal Military College of Canada – Currie Hall, Wednesday, 19 August, 2PM.   Followed by a reception at the Senior Staff Mess.  Obituary In This Issue 32: Cmdt Doing His Rounds & Cadets Prepping for Ironman 2009; CCWO Chiasson – Eyes &…

Cmdt Doing His Rounds & Cadets Prepping for Ironman 2009

New commandant, Commodore Bill Truelove recently took advantage of an opportunity to meet informally with the Principal and the various RMCC Deans. Commodore Truelove has been busy making the rounds of the college and expects to touch base with most, if not, all the various departments within the next few weeks. In the photo, left…

CCWO Chiasson – Eyes & Ears for Commandant.

College Chief Warrant Officer Marcel Chiasson, a Land Communication and System Technician (LCIS), came to RMC in 2008. He is originally from Cheticamp, Cape Breton, but was raised in Montreal from a young age. He was promoted to his present rank in 2003 and has two deployments to his credit – Rwanda in 1994, and…

Opinion: Improvements Are Required With Commemorative Stones

Sky King’s recent letter was of particular interest as I had just visited RMC the week before to view for the first time my own family’s Commemorative Stones, purchased 5 years ago for me (RMC 71) and my son 23229 Jamie (RMC 05). Unfortunately my experience was not quite up to Mr. King’s high expectations…
