Oral Interviews of Military Colleges Alumni

E-veritas has been given permission to publish excerpts of 5105 Doctor J. L. Granatstein’s (CMR RMC 1961) interviews (1991-1993) for “The Generals: the Canadian Army’s Senior Commanders in the Second World War”. 5105 Doctor J.L. Granatstein fonds are at the National Defence HQ Directorate of History and Heritage. Other work from 5105 Doctor J.L. Granatstein…

In This Issue 26

Director of Cadets, LCol Tony O’Keeffe, is competing in the 2009 edition of the Race Across America in support of the Soldier On program. The race started last Wednesday, June 17th. Click on the photo for DCdts’ up-to-date progress. Le directeur des élève-officiers, LCol Tony O’Keeffe, participe à l’Édition 2009 de la Course pan-américaine afin…

FLOAT-2 – opening new possibilities for aviation safety and security.

RMC student experiment monitors air traffic from near-space An experiment developed by a student team at the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) observed aircraft transponder signals from the upper atmosphere last week, delivering scientific results which are the first of their kind and opening new possibilities for aviation safety and security. The near-space mission,…

ALOY Grad – A New Chapter in the History of RMC

ALOY Graduation Parade Last Wednesday, The Aboriginal Leadership Opportunity Year program celebrated the graduation of 9 of their 22 original students. Commandant BGen Lawson and Elder Bernard Nelson presided over the ceremony. Out of the 9 graduates, one is following a military career as a RETP cadet along with two others who are coming back…

Standards Officer Posted Away From RMC, Again

By M0917 Dean Fleet – 19319 Captain Dax Chambers (RMC 1994) Although born near Chicoutimi, QC, since his father was in the Air Force, and therefore moved across the country a fair amount, Captain Chambers considers himself to be from Kingston, as he spent many years in the Belleville/Trenton area. Before coming to RMC in…

Could It Happen Here?…

The Afghan illegal immigrant hid in the stairwell next to a toilet on a coach carrying NCOs and officers from Germany to the elite military at Sandhurst Afghan immigrant smuggles himself into Britain… on a coach full of Sandhurst Army officers By Caroline Grant An Afghan illegal immigrant managed to sneak into Sandhurst military academy…

Weighing in on Navy / Change of Guard at Panet House

Weighing in on Navy By 24340 Marsalie Mackenzie  (Marsalie graduated as part of the class of 2009 with a Honours English degree. She is a MARS Officer and is presently at RMC doing post-grad work. This is her third and what we hope will be a number of e-Veritas articles sharing her USNA exchange experiences.)…

Ex-Cadets in the News

Congratulations to… 19395 Mark Prefontaine, BA, MA, CFP, CFA (RMC 1994) has been appointed Deputy Superintendent of Pensions in Alberta. Mark leads a team of pension analysts overseeing 750 private sector pension plans registered in Alberta. He has been with Alberta Finance and Enterprise for just over six years. He graduated from RMC in 1994…

Where are they now?

We have contacted numerous ex-cadets from the fifties through to the new millennium and plan to feature them in the coming months to give readers a chance to catch up with names and faces from each of the respective CMCs. by M0917 Dean Fleet – 11403 John Pronovost (RMC 1978) After graduation, classmate 11790 Rodger…

François Gagnon – CMR PERI 1983-1987

“Since the Military College is training future leaders for the Canadian Forces, it is important to give each cadet opportunities to lead. In my experience, however, go-getters have the greatest potential to be top cadets. If you explain the task and put a go getter at the front of the group, he or she may…

Who Am I?

Who am I? Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) * I was born on a farm on 14 April 1876 near Winchester, Ontario. My mother Mary was a teacher before her marriage while my father, George known as “Squire” for many years a magistrate, justice of the peace and reeve of the township of…

RRMC Memories – Accommodation at Royal Roads

2926 George Wisener and friends in the dorm room on the top floor of the Grant Block  (2849 Dan Mainguy playing the accordion!) other names not available at this time. Accommodation at Royal Roads By Karen Inkster Foundation, Oral History Project Coordinator Royal Roads University 2005 Sooke Road Victoria, BC V9B 5Y2 (250) 391-2600 ext.…
