H4860 General (Retired) John de Chastelain – on RMC Traditions

H4860 General (Retired) John de Chastelain (RMC 1960) (on RMC Traditions) Tradition. Many of you will have seen the 1971 movie Fiddler on the Roof in which the Israeli actor Topol plays the role of the Ukrainian milkman Tevye, and in the opening sequence he sings a song about Tradition in which he states that…

A113 LCdr (ret`d) Johanne M. Thibault – Former AD @ CMR & RMC

During her combined 15 years or so at both CMR and RMC Johanne M. Thibault not only served – she “lived” life at both Military Colleges. She was a recognizable face and a full participant at every campus event – not just athletic activities. Her tenure at RMC was not without its many ups &…

Where are they now?

e-Veritas 02 ’09 carried a portion of an interview with Col (ret’d) Bill Kelly and Materiel Matters . Following is the complete interview. Materiel Matters recently interviewed 13122 Bill Kelly, the new Director General of Aerospace Equipment Program Management (DGAEPM), who has replaced the recently retired  10593 BGen Paul McCabe in this position. Mr. Kelly,…

Catching Up With the News

A lesson in scholarly soldiers Photo exhibit documents Afghans’ everyday lives F Troop has a “Big Impact” in Kandahar Province Afghan judges take their act on the road L’enquête sur Borden est complétée Coroners are warriors too TRENTON THE PERFECT LOCATION FOR JTF2 SAYS CANSOFCOM CHIEF JTF2 to build west coast equipment drop Canadian army…

Notices | Avis

Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter, The ViewPoint, and you will receive a copy of Portfolio First Aid by Michael Graham and Bryan Snelson. Market fluctuations are a fact of life for all investors. The challenge is to ensure our portfolios have the physical vitality to withstand the constant strain placed upon them by ever-changing markets.…

Careers | Carrières

28 janvier 2009 : Savoir négocier son salaire, un plus ! MM. Raynald Jean de RHR Transition et Jean Hage-Chahine de Gestion Férique. Synopsis : Assistez à une conférence sur la négociation salariale teintée d’une saveur en ingénierie. Lors de cette conférence, vous découvrirez, entre autres, comment tirer profit de l’enquête salariale qui porte sur…

Historic Places: RMC integral part of our heritage

Cadet Quarters B-34 The Cadet Quarters B-34 is a Recognized Federal Heritage Building built in 1964. This four-storey, symmetrical, rusticated limestone building with a C-shaped footprint and gable roof that features two projecting wings with gabled parapets and corner buttresses, double-hung windows arranged in paired columns on the longest elevations, and smoothly finished stone surrounds…

Flashback: Politics behind RRMC expansion in the ’70s

Official Report of Debates Of The Legislative Assembly of British Columbia (Hansard) Thursday, June 5, 1975 Royal Roads Military College Degrees Act (Bill 12) MR. J.H. GORST (Esquimalt): Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased indeed today to be able to move second reading of Bill 12, the Royal Roads Military College Degree Act. I would…

Who Am I?

Who am I? By E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC ‘03) I was born in 1914 from one of the founding families in Nineteenth Century Canada. My father, Alfred Ernest started the A7 Ranche west of Nanton, Alberta in 1885. He founded the Calgary Brewing and Malting Company in 1892, and was president until his death. He…


15084 Major (ret`d) Mark William Aubry (RRMC RMC 1985) has retired from the CF after 27 plus years of loyal and dedicated svc to the CF. Maj Aubry enrolled on 24 Jun 1981, proceeded to BOTC and graduated from RMC in May 1985. After completing AERE officer basic training at CFSATE in Borden he received…

Extra Innings

LCol. (ret’d) Roman Jarymowycz, CD OMM a retired Canadian Army officer (LCol) was adjunct professor in Military History at RMC. He commanded The Royal Canadian Hussars and is an accomplished military historian. Dr. Jarymowycz was on the Directing Staff of MCSC and retired in 2000 as its Dean. He holds a PhD in military history…

We get e-mails

Members of the Canadian Forces men’s basketball team pose for a team photo at the Vimy Ridge National Historical Site of Canada memorial The CF CISM men’s basketball team recently completed a 3 day training camp and then competed at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) International Basketball Tournament in Mons, Belgium from 1-6…
