Catching Up With the News

    Ridout Row, Royal Military College of Canada, (Canadian Defence Academy) is a nominee for the 2008 Livable City Design Awards in the Renovation – Industrial, Commercial & Institutional (ICI) category. Kingston Livable City Awards is aimed at promoting excellence in urban design by recognizing outstanding projects in the areas of new construction, renovation,…

Where are they now?

Proud Grandfather, Flying Officer (Ret’d) Walter Knott, is shown above pinning on wings to one of Canada’s newest fighter pilots – 23485 Will Livingston (RMC ’06) By: 23996 Alex (a.k.a. Cush) Cushley (RMC ’08) Often times Cadets compare the social experience of their time spent at the college to living in a cave, separated and…

Flashback | Rétrospective

…… This the third in a series of article on former CMC Commandants. Like the first two – on General (ret’d) Jean Boyle and Captain (ret’d) Dave Bindernagel, the interview was carried out by E 3161 Victoria Edwards. _______________________________________________________……………………………………………. 9098 BGen (Ret’d) Ken KC Hague (CMR RMC ’72) just recently retired as Vice President, Resource…


What We Can Learn From Military History By 14797 Richard Martin (CMR ’85) I was having a conversation a few days ago with a new acquaintance. When I told him that I had done graduate studies in military history, he asked me what I had learned from this and what this may mean to me…

Extra Innings

RMC and the Rhodes Scholarship. This is another article in a series we ran in the Spring about RMC cadets and Rhodes Scholarship. In this edition, Paul Stanborough was kind enough to pen his thoughts and recollections from 24 years ago. It is our aim that this article and past similar ones on the subject…

Quotation | Citation

“The CF-18 is the most challenging and dynamic aircraft in the Canadian Air Force” said Captain Erickson. “When you intercept a contact, the closing speed can be more than one kilometer a second, and that doesn’t give you much time to react.” 21955 Captain Riel “Guns” Erickson (RMC ’01) Ed: Readers who may have missed…

Trivia | Bagatelle

Who am I? I was born 18th March 1907, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. After graduating from the Royal Military College in Kingston, I served in the Royal Canadian Air Force. My wife’s name was Marguerite. In 1941, I was the officer commanding No. 3 Service Flying Training School (SFTS), at Currie Field, Calgary. On Thursday…


Reunion Weekend – Fin de semaine de réunion – 2008 Reunion Weekend – Fin de semaine de réunion – 2008 Legacy Dinner Registraton We need your help! Over the past 11 years the tradition has been for Ex cadets to sponsor cadets. We have “volunteered” once again to assist in this process. At the present…

Notices | Avis

RMC to host Navy & others – Rugby Tournament – Labour Day Weekend We just received word that the (M) Varsity Rugby team will be hosting an international rugby tournament on Labour Day Weekend. Not all details are available at this time, however, it has been confirmed that Navy (USNA) and RMC will lock-up in…


11737 Col Douglas Baker (RMC ’78) commenced retirement leave on 16 May 08 after 34 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CF. Col Baker joined the CF in 1974 and graduated from RMC in 1978 with a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical). After completing a tour at 442 (T&R) Sqn, Comox, Capt Baker graduated…

We get emails

I note an error in the recent Veritas e-letter write-up on that magnificent Ex-Cadet and former Commandant, 2424 Major-General (Ret’d) George Hylton Spencer, OBE, CD. You refer to him as Class of 1934. He was, of course, Class of 1938. This is an unfortunate but increasingly common error that is creeping into Ex-Cadet, graduate and…

In This Issue 27

Little Belgian boy saluting Canadian Troops (Video 1:22) In This Issue: To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. New Sheriff at RMC; Staff Rolling…
