Nova Scotia Branch Presentation of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medals
On Saturday December 10th at 2 pm, 19307 David Benoit will M/C the presentation of Queen’s Platinum Jubilee medals to Nova Scotia Branch members at the Cambridge Military Library in Halifax. Nova Scotia alumni are cordially invited to attend the presentation with a guest. See for details. RSVP REMISE DES MÉDAILLES DU JUBILÉ DE PLATINE…
Seasons Greeting from the Quebec Branch
On behalf of all the members of the Quebec Branch, we wish you a very festive and restful Christmas period. As usual, 2022 was hectic, full of surprises, good and less good, but always interesting. Let us celebrate la joie de vivre. If you are interested in visiting Quebec City and rejoicing with your friends, we invite you to our…
Ottawa Branch – Christmas and New Year greetings to alumni/alumna
Ottawa Branch – Christmas and New Year greetings to alumni/alumna, leadership, staff and students at our Military Colleges and Canadian Forces Personnel serving abroad and at home: Like all membership organizations on the globe, we’ve been through a pretty rough time. However, I believe that because who we are, we will survive and we will…
Season’s Greetings from the Vancouver Island Ex-cadet Club
On behalf of the membership of the Vancouver Island Ex-cadet Club, I would like to extend to the entire Military College community our very best wishes for the upcoming holiday season, and for health and happiness throughout the coming year. The Club also wishes to advise that it will be hosting the annual “Host the Cadets” reception and…
Hamilton Branch RMC Alumni Association Hosting Annual Meet and Greet December 22nd
Greetings fellow RMC/CMR Alumni Once again, the Hamilton Branch RMC Alumni Association will be holding an annual meet and greet at HMCS STAR in Hamilton on December 22nd. The event will include an informal reception starting at 1830 until 2100. The purpose of the evening is to connect current serving local cadets with Ex Cadets…
Greetings from the Kingston Branch
To celebrate the start of the festive season, the Kingston Branch held its fall dinner. There were twenty-six members and partners in attendance. The Branch was particularly honoured by the attendance of Colonel (Ret’d) Brit Smith College Number 2652, who at 102 years of age is the oldest living member of the RMC Alumni Association.…
Ottawa Branch Support to our Future Leaders
Individual members of the Branch have, over many years, demonstrated outstanding philanthropic leadership. In turn, the Branch itself has been an unwavering supporter of the Annual Legacy Dinner, each year sponsoring Cadet attendance and purchasing a table for Ottawa Branch members to attend.
Executive of the New Atlantic Branch
Positions on the executive of the Atlantic Branch are open to anyone who has attended a Canadian military college and is resident in one of the four Atlantic Provinces.
Based on the very positive responses from alumni, a formal request has been made for approval of the transformation of the Nova Scotia Branch into the Atlantic Branch. See the briefing note Sur la base des réponses très positives des anciens, une demande officielle a été faite pour l’approbation de la transformation du Chapitre…
Another Successful Ottawa Branch Golf Tournament
Ottawa Alumni Golf Returns – 8 July 2022 The RMC Alumni Association – Ottawa Branch annual golf tournament is back. After a hiatus of over three years (1098 days to be exact) due to COVID limitations the shouts of “Fore” were once again heard at the Greensmere Golf Club as enthusiastic golfers took to the…