

13710 Bruce Beavis (Class of 1982) having conducted a poll of three ex-cadets is interested in gauging general interest and ideas around forming an ex-cadet piping group.  Suggestions include an informal piping weekend in Kingston or Toronto extending all the way to forming a band or holding a school in the summer.  If you are a former RMC or RRMC piper or an ex-cadet who took up the pipes in your riper years, please contact Bruce at either bruce.beavis@sbcglobal.net or through the RMC Facebook or LinkedIn sites.


A tip of the hat to the following members who just recently updated their Club membership status: Chapeau aux membres suivants qui ont tout récemment mis à jour leur adhésion au Club:

4638 Ron McKinlay; 6543 Ronald Jackson;  9999 Patrick G Michaud Five Year Membership;13274 Mark TM Ross – Lifetime Membership.

Club Membership Info Join, Update or Renew ‘Now’

In This Issue 40:

Ex-Cadets in the News

Class Notes – RMCC Assistant Prof in the Spotlight

Jen Ochej Discovers Different Sides of Tim Patriquin

Recent retirements – Retraites récentes

Keeping Tabs…

Fall Indoor Parade Recognizes Many…

Stratford Trip Provides Opportunity for Spirited Debates / Est ce que le Canada a besoin de Sous-marins?

PAG: Mental Fitness and Suicide Awareness Training / GAP: Entraînement de Sensibilisation à la Santé Mentale et au Suicide

Cadets Go on Car Smashing Rampage…No Charges Laid

Sports: Rugby in a Must Win Situation at Waterloo on Sat

Football Team Wins Both Games in Halifax – Thanksgiving Weekend 1952

Dr. Walter Dorn RMCC Professor just released book

Air Power in UN Operations: Wings for Peace & Much More…

Jobs – Careers / Carrières

Deaths | Décès



Full Know The World Tours – Brochure – Here



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To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key.



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QUOTE(S) OF THE WEEK – Quotes from Colonel David H. Hackworth:

“If a policy is wrongheaded, feckless, and corrupt, I take it personally and consider it a moral obligation to sound off and not shut up until it’s fixed.”

“Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can’t be treated just where it’s visible. Every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed.”

“It’s human nature to take things for granted again when danger isn’t banging loudly on the door.”

“In order to drill into young men the need to stay alert and stay alive, I used to punish offenders with my fists, boots, rifle butt, and with stockade time.”


Hackworth’s military career as a sailor, soldier and a military correspondent has spanned nearly a dozen wars and conflicts, from the end of World War II to the recent meltdown in the ex-Yugoslavia.

He sailed in the merchant marine at age 14 and the U.S. Army at 15. In almost 26 years in the Army he spent over seven years in combat theaters, winning a battlefield commission in Korea to become that war’s youngest Army captain.

After almost five years in Vietnam Hackworth’s cup runneth over. In 1971, as the Army’s youngest colonel he spoke out on national television saying, “This is a bad war … it can’t be won we need to get out.” In that interview, he also said that the North Vietnamese flag would fly over Saigon in four years — a prediction that turned out to be right on target. He was the only senior officer to sound off about the insanity of the war. Understandably, Nixon and the Army weren’t real happy with his shooting off his mouth.

With all his many awards, Hackworth still considers the Combat Infantryman Badge and the United Nations Medal for Peace — which he was presented for his anti-nuclear work in Australia — his “highest awards.

Hackworth is a regular guest on national radio and TV shows, and from 1990 to the end of 1996, he was Newsweek’s contributing editor for defense. Besides his Newsweek cover stories and other reporting, he has been featured in magazines including People, Parade, Men’s Journal, and has also been published in Playboy, Soldier of Fortune, Self and Modern Maturity. His column, Defending America, appears weekly in newspapers across America and on this site.

During Desert Storm which Hackworth covered for Newsweek, he was the only correspondent to accurately predict the outcome of the Gulf War. He has won many national and international awards for his Newsweek reporting, including the George Washington Honor Medal for excellence in communications.

Hackworth’s books include The Vietnam Primer and the international best seller About Face, Hazardous Duty and The Price of Honor. His newest book, Steel My Soldiers’ Heart’s, a best seller from coast to coast, is now in the bookstores and amazon.com and bn.com

Hackworth is an advocate of military reform and a believer that the big fire power — “nuke-the-pukes” — solution won’t work anymore, but that doesn’t mean war will go away. He sees big and little fights ahead and urges military reform. He believes passionately that “America needs a streamlined, hard hitting force for the 21st century” and beyond. Hack brings to his mission his unique experience acquired in almost 52 years of bouncing around hot and cold battlefields. He also brings an insider’s view of the Pentagon and the military establishment made deadly current by input provided on a daily basis by serving warriors from around the globe. E-mail frequently brings him the word before the Pentagon gets it.

QUOTE(S) OF THE WEEK Courtesy of  12570 Mike Kennedy
