Ex-Cadets & More in the News

  Hockey Hall of fame focuses on Kingston with a RMCC connection xxxxxxxx Click on photos for better viewing Commando Challenge IV: A great success! Hall of fame focuses on Kingston 15435 Paul Raymond among three finalists for the prize of the year CEO of Investissement Québec in 2016 Edmonton-based soldiers fully prepared for deployment…

6898 Richard Cohen Shares his RMC memories plus 50 years

6898 Richard Cohen Shares his RMC memories plus 50 years   6898 Richard Cohen marched off the RMC parade square in June1966 as the Cadet Wing Commander and the recipient of the Sword of Honour. Following that day almost 50 years ago he has led an extraordinary life of public service including serving as an…

Keeping Tabs…

Keeping Tabs… xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx   MORE…

20303 Assad Bouayed & his life journey / Un aperçu de la vie de 20303 Assad Bouayed

*** 20303 Assad Bouayed & his life journey / Un aperçu de la vie de 20303 Assad Bouayed Lorsque l’autobus s’arrêta et que je mis pied sur le terrain de parade du collège militaire royal de Kingston pour la toute première fois, en août 1992, je ne soupçonnais pas que ce moment, banal en apparence,…

Souper annuel du Chapitre de Québec / Quebec City Branch Annual Dinner

  Légende : Le conférencier invité, JR Giguère. À l’avant-plan, de profil, le président du Chapitre de Québec, Jean Drouin.  Caption: Guest Speaker is JR Giguere. In the forefront is a side view of Chapitre de Quebec, President; Jean Drouin. Souper annuel du Chapitre de Québec Le souper annuel du Chapitre de Québec a eu…

Meet the DCdts: LCol Chris Renahan (19401)

Meet the DCdts: LCol Chris Renahan (19401) Article by: OCdt (I) Pablo Cardona 27832 In October 2015, LCol Renahan, a 1994 RMC graduate, took over the position of Director of Cadets (DCdts) at RMC. Having only been here a short time, he has not yet had the opportunity to introduce himself to the Cadet Wing.…

Sage advice from 23768 Chris Justason, Class of ’08

Sage advice from 23768 Chris Justason, Class of ’08 (Another in a series of articles coordinated by 26659 Danielle Andela – e-Veritas Sr. Correspondent) I enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces in 2003 and graduated from RMC in 2008 with a degree in Business Administration. Upon graduation, I was immediately posted to the Royal Canadian…

Leaders of tomorrow have their say…

Leaders of tomorrow have their say…   xxxxxxx   They share: most favourable & disappointing memories of their time at RMCC; what changes they would like to see at RMCC and much, more 26779 OCdt (IV) Kyle Tilley – EME – Computer Engineering 26762 NCdt (IV) Jérémie Fraser – MARS – completing a double major with…

Professional Military Training – 27 Jan

XXXXXXXX Briefings for I Years…II Years…III Years & IV Years… Articles coordinated by: 26719 OCdt (IV) Melvin Day – CWIIO Assisted by: 1st year – OCdt Ridley 2 Sqn; 2nd year – OCdt Pover 3 Sqn; 3rd year – NCdt Brooks 4 Sqn and 4th year – OCdt Savage 5 Sqn  MORE…

The Week That Was…

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Division of Continuing Studies celebrate significant milestone Military Skills Team (formerly called Sandhurst team) formally recognized The International Affairs Association Represents RMCC in Montréal Hot Chocolate Warms More Than Just Hands / Le chaud chocolat réchauffe plus que juste des mains Life After Grad OUA sports scores MORE / plus

RMCC Cadets 2016 West Point Visit…

*** Exchange Weekend 2016 @ West Point Coordinated with the cooperation of 26669 (IV) NCdt Anna Childerhose & 26659 OCdt (IV) Danielle Andela During the weekend 22 – 24 Jan while the focus of many was on the visit to Kingston by West Point cadets there was a group of RMCC cadets (approx 100) heading…

The Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston 1921 – 1925: Erecting the Memorial Arch

The Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston 1921 –1925: Erecting the Memorial Arch Pt 7 Military engineering consisted mostly of building fixed defences of the more sophisticated World War I model and we spent what seemed like endless hours digging trenches and putting up and dismantling barbed wire entanglements on Barriefield Common. In the later…
