Warm Welcome to RMC’s Newest Club & College Flag Being Seen Around the World

RMC Expedition Club Sets Sights on Summit By 25725 OCdt (III) Christopher Lane Since the successful summit of Mt. Aconcagua in Argentina — the tallest mountain in the Western Hemisphere — by an independent cadet-expedition group last Christmas, significant work has been put into creating the parameters by which expeditions “to the ends of the…

Support the Birchall Leadership & Yellow Ribbon Dinner in Edmonton – 4 November

Update to everyone on the event. We have had a tremendous response thus far and our official Press Release event last Sunday 11 Sep at CFB Edmonton went very well. http://www.edmontonjournal.com/news/canada-in-afghanistan/Awards+recognize+soldiers+bravery+leadership/5386791/story.html We are now in our push for ticket sales. We have about 350 committed already and want to reach our goal of 1000. Please…

Careers | Carrières

x Administrator, quotations / Administrateur(trice) des soumissions, Velan, Montréal Electrical or Mechanical Engineer / Ingénieur mécanique ou électrique, Régulvar inc., Laval Graduate, Mechanical Engineering / Diplômés en Génie mécanique, Rio Tinto, Canada Telecom Engineer / Ingénieur télécoms, NovaVision Telecom Inc., Montreal Web Developer/Engineer / Développeur Web/Ingénieur Logiciel, Manwin Canada, Quebec   _________________________________________   142 members…

Recently Added Memorials on the DHH Website

Recently Added Memorials on the DHH Website Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards Do you know of any military memorials which are not yet contained in the records of National Inventory of Military Memorials? Recently added memorials on the DHH website associated with the Royal Military College of Canada include: •  35036-032 Dedicated to the RUSH-BAGOT…

Week 2 – First Year @ RMC – Extracts from 1949 Diary: 3069 W. A. McColl

“We have evidence that in recent weeks an atomic explosion occurred in the USSR,” President Truman announces September 23. A specially modified U.S. B-29 flying off Siberia’s Kamchatka Peninsula has picked up traces of microscopic particles that contained disintegrating nuclei, and scientists have determined that the invisible grains of matter caught in the plane’s sniffer…

Deaths | Décès

9231 DOUGLAS, Lt.Cdr. (Retd) David Richard ‘Rick’ Rick was born on April 8, 1949 in Peterborough, Ont., where he completed his elementary and high school education. He was then accepted into the Royal Military College, in Kingston, Ont. where he graduated with a BA (History) in 1972. During the annual Athletic Awards Dinner held that…

Did You Know & Who Am I?

Did you know? Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) and Royal Military College of Canada When the Learned Societies held their annual session in 1950 at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario, the decision was taken to establish a national organization of university teachers which could deal with…

In this Issue 35

Prior to your next move please give our Realtor partners a call. Check Out Realtors By Province Below the Map AB–BC–MB–NB–NL–NS–ON–PEI–QC–SK e-Veritas is supported by generous partners – please consider supporting them. In this Issue 35: To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the…

Michael A. Rostek – New E.D. for RMC Club

Following a rigorous, transparent and competitive 3 month long process, it is my pleasure and privilege to present the newly selected Executive Director of the Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada, 14356/ G1697 Michael A. Rostek, CD, Ph.D. Michael joined the Canadian Forces in 1979 starting at Le College militaire royal de Saint-Jean.  In 1984,…

Calling all Branch Presidents, Class Secretaries and those with an e-mail account through MEGRAM our web site service provider

Calling all Branch Presidents, Class Secretaries and those with an e-mail account through MEGRAM our web site service provider: Recently we were informed that starting on 15 Sep 11 the club will be charged $10/month/instance to host a website for a branch or a class.  There are currently 37 such sites which represents an increase in cost…

Reunion Weekend 29 Sep to 2 Oct – Update

First of all, as we are going to press we have heard that both Royal Roads and CMR (RMCSJ) both held very highly successful reunions this past weekend.  We are looking forward to receiving articles and photos from both events which we will post next week. RMC of Canada Reunion 29 Sep – 2 Oct…

La Chasse-Galerie: Inching to the Starting Line

“How envious I am that the voyageur canoe is striking off once again! Having been the only woman amongst 14 divine RMC types for an entire week in the inaugural 2000 canoe, I am filled with nostalgia for the fun and adventures we had. I also mentioned during the Legacy Dinner that one of the…
