Ex-Cadets in the News

Veterans gird for battle over ombudsman Never one to mince words, Mr. Stogran’s criticism of the federal bureaucracy’s treatment of injured soldiers and policies, such as the replacement of pensions with lump-sum payments and disability stipends, has grown more harsh. He’s said Veterans Affairs has adopted a “penny-pinching insurance company mentality” toward its clients. 12723…

Where are they now?

RD3, Inc. (dba RD3 Sustainable Solution), founded and owned by 15285 Rob de Grasse (CMR RMC 1986), was awarded the Building Commissioning for the new construction of the US Coast Guard Headquarters (St. Elizabeth’s West Campus). The new HQ campus is a 11-story office building providing about a 1.2 million square feet for 3,860 employees,…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

xxxxxxxxx x Vignette 1.: Les membres de l’escadron Rougemont apprennent les rudiments de l’exercice élémentaire pendant leur séjour au CMR Saint-Jean. (Crédit Photo : Cplc Josée Vaillancourt) Vignette 2.: Après une dure et longue journée, les membres de l’escadron Rougemont rentrent enfin à leurs quartiers pour étudier et se préparer pour l’inspection matinale du lendemain.…

RRMC 2010 Reunion Update & The Legend of Bart and Rat

Royal Roads University Reunion & RCN’s 100th Anniversary Ship’s Decanter ________________________________ The Legend of Bart and Rat – Encore from Issue 31 / 2005 7064 Dave Skinner (RRMC RMC 1966) I’ll take a run a telling this classic Skylark tale because probably most will have forgotten it. In the event that the perpetrators render an…

Victoria Edwards: In conversation with – Wendy Trethewey

E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) contacted Wendy Trethewey B.F.A., a working professional artist in Ottawa, who was commissioned to execute several works at the Royal Military College. Her uncle 2184 Rear Admiral Desmond W. Piers (RMC 1930) served as RMC Commandant 1957-60. She lived with her family in Ridout Row when her husband Major John…

3 Stained Glass Windows Memorial Stairwell – Mackenzie Building

E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) has been researching the memorial stained glass windows at the Royal Military College. 151 Lieutenant-General Sir Archibald Macdonell K.C.B., CMG, DSO, ADC, LL.D, who served as Commandant of RMC from 1919-25 made the staircase in the administrative building into a memorial staircase. The three memorial stained glass windows on the…

Births | naissances

Miriam Adele Stewart was born to the proud parents 20821 Monique Parisien (RMC 1997) and Desmond Stewart at KGH on 20 July 2010; she was born at 1007 and weighed 7 lbs and 10 oz. The one thing that is an absolute at this point is that she has very good lungs and knows how…

Retirements | Retraites

Retirement Announcement:  M0662 Maj Carl Jalbert, (CMR 1994) On 7 Sept 2010, after 28+ years of dedicated service to Canada, Major Carl Jalbert will retire from the Canadian Forces. In 1982, Maj Carl Jalbert joined the Canadian Forces as an Aircraft Radar Technician. After completion of Avionics training in Borden, he was posted to CFB…

Deaths | Décès

3094 Sullivan, Guy (RMC 1953) SULLIVAN, Guy Antoine It is with great sadness that the family of Guy Antoine Sullivan announce his death which occurred at the Dr Everett Chalmers Hospital on July 10, 2010. Guy was 78 years of age, born on August 20th, 1931 in Montreal. He is survived by his wife of…

You May Know These 24…But Do You Really Know Them?

– spent his teenage years in Richmond, B.C. before attending Royal Roads Military College; during his tour in Afghanistan , the Battalion launched the first combat air assault mission in the history of the Canadian Army and conducted numerous defensive and offensive combat missions at section, platoon, company and battle group level. – grew up…


xx IN THIS ISSUE 32: To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key. DCadets addresses RMC Club – Kingston Branch; Qu’est-ce qui se passe au…

DCadets addresses RMC Club – Kingston Branch

Caption: Prior to addressing members of the RMC Club – Kingston Branch, LCol Sue Wigg with her glass of water shared a few stories with Branch president Reg Watts with his glass of “pop” prior to sitting down for lunch. (Photo by: Dan Fleming) DCadets addresses the RMC Club – Kingston Branch A/SLt 24498 Noelani…
