Visite d’étudiants de West Point/Le Hockey est de retour au CMR Saint-Jean / RMCSJ

Visite d’étudiants de West Point au CMR Saint-Jean – un article du Maj Martin Couët Le Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (CMR Saint-Jean) a reçu la visite de 15 étudiants du United States Military Academy de West Point, le vendredi 23 octobre dernier. La visite, organisée et tenue informellement, a pris place dans le cadre…

Salvation Army Officer Serving as RMC Padre & Other Articles of Interest

Major Patrick Lublink, assisted by his wife, Captain Valerie Lublink, is presently appointed as the Protestant chaplain to the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont., with pastoral responsibility for more than 1,000 officer-cadets and 200 staff members.For more than 100 years, The Salvation Army has made its officers/pastors available to military commands to serve as…

Educator, Karate Coach, Triple Didgit Golfer & Late Bloomer on the Ski Hills

Dean enjoys his connection with RMC A/SLt 24498 Noelani Shore (RMC 2009) After 26 years of working at the Royal Military College, Dr. Thomas Racey, Dean of Science, has seen it all. “One of my best memories at RMC is coaching the Varsity Karate Team. When I arrived in 1983, many of the varsity teams…

Where are they Now?

Five anciens recently (18-22 Oct) completed an outstanding visit to Kabul and Kandahar. The  picture was taken in front of the Governor’s palace in Kandahar. Present are Colonel Richard Giguère, LtCol (Ret’d) Rémi Landry, RAdm(Ret’d) KenSummers, Gen (Ret’d) Paul Manson and Col(Ret’d)Alain Pellerin. ____________________________________________________________________ We have contacted numerous ex-cadets from the fifties through to the…

Dr. George L. Parker, Keeping Busy in Retirement

Dr. George L. Parker was awarded the Marie Tremaine Medal in 2009 by the Council of the Bibliographical Society of Canada. The Royal Military College of Canada hired him as an assistant professor in 1969, and once there he steadily rose through the ranks, becoming a Professor in 1982. At RMC, he also held the…

T.O. BRANCH – 26/11 Social @ The National Club & VOTEZ Montréal – Fort St Jean

ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGES CLUB OF CANADA TORONTO BRANCH – NOVEMBER SOCIAL –  Wednesday 25 November 2009 – Time: 17:00 – 19:00 The National Club 303 Bay Street, Toronto (on the east side between King and Adelaide Streets) Dress: Business Attire Cost: $30.00 Special Guest: Col. Omer Lavoie, M.Sc., MSM, CD Commander, Counter-Improvised Evplosive Device Task…

Who am I?

Who Am I? Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) I was born in Canada in 1887 I was educated at Upper Canada College, the University of Toronto and Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, England. I was the only Canadian among the six scientists on the 1910-1913 British Antarctic Expedition (Terra Nova Expedition) led by…

E-mails still bouncing

HELP US OUT…IF YOU CAN Following every edition of e-Veritas notice that we send out, we have a bunch of e-mails – return to sender.  Usually this is because the individual has changed his / her e-mail address and or because of local “filters, firewalls and the like”. Please take a minute, if, you recognize…

Indonesian Defence University Staff Visits RMC

Delegation from the Indonesian Defence University visited RMC last Monday as part of their fact finding mission to Canadian Military Learning establishments. (Photo: Steven McQuaid) IN THIS ISSUE 44: To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the ‘enter’ key. To search for an individual:…

Grapes & Cadets; Hon. Stephane Dion Speaks @ RMC; 5 Sqn ’09 Obstacle Course Champs

Pictured (left to right) is Officer Cadet Jon Berrey, Don Cherry, Officer Cadet Kristin Doncaster and Officer Cadet Michael Akey, who are all currently in their second year at the College. The tickets were generously given to RMC by the Kingston Whig Standard as a part of their show of support for the Soldiers Appreciation…

Go Eng Girl & West Block Symposium on Parliament Hill – “gave us a unique perspective”.

Go ENG Girl 2009 – Capt Kristin Topping (RMC 2002) Go ENG Girl is an annual outreach event sponsored by the Ontario Network for Women in Engineering. This event presents an exciting opportunity for girls across Ontario in Grades 7 – 10 to visit their local university to learn about the wonderful world of engineering!…

What’s Happening At RMC

______________________________________________________________________ Women’s Rugby Prom Dress Game Fundraiser KINGSTON, ONTARIO – The Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) Women’s Rugby Club will be playing against the St. Lawrence College (SLC) Women’s Rugby Club, all while wearing evening wear. All proceeds will go to the First 32 Fund. The First 32 Fund, initiated in honour of the…
