Oral Interviews of Military Colleges alumni

E-veritas has been given permission to publish excerpts of 5105 Doctor J. L. Granatstein’s (CMR RMC 1961) interviews (1991-1993) for “The Generals: the Canadian Army’s Senior Commanders in the Second World War”. 5105 Doctor J.L. Granatstein fonds are at the National Defence HQ Directorate of History and Heritage. Justice Joseph Potts Mr Justice Joseph Potts…

Who Is He?

Researched by E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2003) He was born in Québec City, Québec on 7 June 1900. He earned a war certificate at Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario in 1918 where he was also known as “Choppy”. He later studied at McGill University School of Commerce, where he received his Chartered Accountant degree. In…

We Get e-mails

THIS IS AN AMAZING STORY ABOUT WHEN TIMES WERE DIFFERENT. 3108 Art Beemer (RRMC RMC 1953) Look carefully at the B-17 and note how shot up it is – one engine dead, tail, horizontal stabilizer and nose shot up.. It was ready to fall out of the sky. (This is a painting done by an…

In This Issue 21

In This Issue 21 Grad 2009: In a Word – Wow! Convocation Citations; CDS Gave Six Messages to Newly Minted Officers; Class of 2010: Ready to Take Over; Ex-Cadets in the News; Where are they now? Careers | Carrières; Memories…RRA 15 BGen (Ret’d) Barry A. Howard, CD; Roy Hillier – Former RMC PEO 1981 –…

Grad 2009: In a word – Wow!

Post – Convocation, Sunset Ceremony, Commissioning Parade & The Ball By 24734 Alex Gagnon Convocation Here are a few comments from recent graduates and their families. Let’s hear what they have to say!!! Click on their pictures to watch short videos. Videos may not be visible on some computers due to local server firewalls and…

Convocation Citations

xxxxxxxxxx The Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay, PC QC, MP Chancellor Royal Military College of Canada Excerpts from his address at the 2009 Convocation “With the Canadian Forces playing a critical role at home and abroad, Canada needs a strong, smart, innovative and well educated officer corps.” “Au cours de l’année passée, notre gouvernement a lancé…

CDS Gave Six Messages to Newly Minted Officers

From cadets to officers… Excerpts from the Commissioning Parade Address – CDS, General W.J. Natynczyk, CMM, MSC,CD “I have six messages. Three are new and three you know by heart. 1- Confidence and humility. Be confident in your abilities and humble in your strengths. You are a product of the best training system in the…

Class of 2010: Ready to Take Over

Top 4 for Fall 2009 CWTO 24561 Marc-André F. Pelland, DCWC 24949 Kayla MacMillan, CWC 24410 Nicholas Bouchard and CWADO 24924 Maxime Bernier-Brideau By 24734 Alex Gagnon CWC Bouchard 24410 Nicholas Bouchard is from Summerside, Prince Edward Island. He was part of the Sandhurst team this year that brought back a third victory to the…

Ex-Cadets in the News

21364 Jeremy Hansen (RMC 1999) Ex cadet picked to launch new career as astronaut Ailsa Craig treehouse used as spaceship By RANDY RICHMOND, LONDON FREE PRESS In the backyard of the family farm near Ailsa Craig, Jeremy Hansen made dials out of cardboard and turned his treehouse into a spaceship. The next time he gets…

Where are they now?

10161 Marc Ouellet (RMC 1974) appointed to Defence Construction Canada board of directors “I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Marc Ouellet to the board of directors of Defence Construction Canada for a term of four years,” Minister Paradis stated. “With his extensive experience in the Canadian Forces, Mr. Ouellet will be a…

Careers | Carrières

[English] [French] Positions Available / Postes disponibles Here is a list of job opportunities provided by our partners from RHR with the working area and the experience required. To see the complete details of the jobs, you should be registered on www.RMC-Careers.com. Voici une liste des possibilités d’emploi fournis par nos partenaires de RHR avec…

Memories…RRA 15 BGen (Ret’d) Barry A. Howard, CD

e-veritas: I understand that you were in the first Royal Canadian Air Force class at Royal Roads when it became the RCN-RCAF Joint Services College in 1947. BGen Barry Howard: Yes, I joined the college with 32 other Air Force cadets and given unique numbers with the prefix RRA and assigned alphabetically. I was the…
