RMC Remembers 9 / 11 & Colombian Military Visit

RMC Remembers 9 / 11 Article and photos by: 26173 OCdt (II) Emily Morgan The cadets of the Royal Military College of Canada put on a remembrance parade on Sunday at the Memorial Arch.  Cadets, members of the Training Wing, and spectators paid their respects to the 2996 people who lost their lives exactly ten…

2011 Petawawa Ironman & Harrier Race & Sports Day

  Margin of Excellence Support Provided the Difference! By: OCdt (III) Tom Neilson On the 8th of September at the 2 CMBG Ironman competition at CFB Petawawa RMC once again proved that the margin of excellence is still very much alive. A team of 20 cadets blindsided the opposition at the Petawawa Ironman. No member…

1st Years Speak Out on FYOP

First Years on FYOP The following entries are from first-year cadets currently undergoing FYOP at RMC. 26510 OCdt (I) Nathan Cave, 1 Sqn “The First Year Orientation Program is a stressful time for all of those involved. Between the staff running it, the first years taking part in it, and the rest of the student…

RMC Musicians represented at the Québec City International Festival of Military

Musiciens du CMRC représentés au Festival international des Musiques militaires à Québec Par : 25179 Dave Tanguay – Élof directeur de la Musique militaire Des membres de la Musique du CMRC viennent tout juste de compléter une semaine en participant à une activité de renommée internationale. Accompagnés de l’adjudant-maître Martin Huppé (Officier de musique), l’Élof David…

SSM Hub of Activity

  Kingston Branch September Luncheon Kingston Branch held a great monthly luncheon Wed, 7 Sept. Darren Cates, Director of Athletics was guest speaker and he was accompanied by hockey coach, Adam Shell, and two players. Landon LaVictoire, team captain and also the Cadet Wing Commander. Assistant captain Kirk Sullivan and a member of Otter Squadron…

Careers | Carrières Thank you | merci

x Technical Specialist Composite, Materials and Processes / Spécialiste Technique, matériaux et procédés, Bell Helicopter, Mirabel System Software Specialist – Communication / Spécialiste en logiciels de systèmes – Communication, CAE, Montreal Mechanical Project Engineer / Ingénieur de projet mécanique, Bombardier Produits Récréatifs, Valcourt Chief of Service / Chef de service installations matérielles, CHU Sainte-Justine, Montreal…

Births | naissances

Otter Sqn-New baby girl! OCdt Shaun Goodfallow and his wife Tracy welcomed Hanna Katharine Goodfallow to the world on Saturday 27 August 2011 at 1pm. She weighted in at 8lbs 10 oz.

Deaths | Décès

10364 Geoffrey Baker Geoff Baker passed away gently at home surrounded by his family in Crossfield, AB on September 4, 2011 at the age of 58 years. Geoff was born in Rivers, Manitoba, March 11, 1953. He moved to various military bases in Canada and Europe during his youth. Geoff attended university at the College…

First Year @ RMC – Extracts from 1949 Diary: 3069 W. A. McColl

1949 After many years of misery through the depression and World War 11 postwar prosperity is starting to get underway with companies now able to supply the cars, Televisions and the other goods demanded in a consumer society. A new type of TV programme appeared we now call Soap Operas ( the name came from…

Who Is He? Just Retired…Function Coming Up Soon

Who Is He? First posting after training was to 2 Combat Engineer Regiment in Petawawa. In Petawawa, he served as a Heavy Equipment Troop Commander, a Unit Environmental Officer, DART Engineer Troop Commander and as a Course Officer for a Junior Leadership Training Course. In 1997, he was deployed to aid in the domestic flood…

In this Issue 34

Prior to your next move please give our Realtor partners a call. Check Out Realtors By Province Below the Map AB–BC–MB–NB–NL–NS–ON–PEI–QC–SK e-Veritas is supported by generous partners – please consider supporting them. In this Issue 34: To find an article: copy title into the search bar on the top of the website and press the…

2011/12 training cycle has begun at RMCC

Five Training Wing Main Events Completed to Kick-off 2011-12 By: Director of Cadets, LCol Susan Wigg From our perspective, BGen Tremblay arrived with continued emphasis on excelling, without delay, at the finer points that make the Royal Military College of Canada the national treasure that it is.  Among others, one quick and notable evolution was…
