CTC in Gagetown Site of 1st official Visit as the Cmdt of RMCC

It was highly symbolic that BGen Tremblay’s first official act as the Cmdt of RMCC would be a visit to the Combat Training Centre (CTC) in Gagetown New Brunswick. Accompanied by the (also new) College CWO CPO Lindsay and the Training Wing’s Chief Instructor Major Rob Parent the Cmdt spent three days in Gagetown (18…

Greg McPherson: Pursuing New Professional Opportunities

Greg McPherson Greg graduated from the RMC MBA program with First Class Distinction in April 2010. He decided to attend RMC as a civilian because he felt the institution provided a high-quality practical education that prepared students well for positions within the private sector and within the defense industry. In addition to a full-time course…

Careers | Carrières Thank you | merci

x Manufacturing Supervisor / Superviseur génie manufacturier, Bell Helicopter, Mirabel Products Engineer / Ingénieur de produits Corporation Micro Bird, Drummondville Product Line Manager / Chef de produits, Belden, Montreal Director of Public Works / Directeur des travaux publics, Ville de Granby, Granby Engineer / Ingénieur, Genesee & Wyoming, Montréal       _________________________________________   A…

RRMC Memories

RRMC Mace Caroline Posynick, the RRU archivist and e-veritas contributor has been working with the RRU Foundation to prepare for the Homecoming event in September, This year’s homecoming reception on Friday Aug 19th recognized the donation of a historically significant item from Royal Roads’ illustrious past – the RRMC Mace. Caroline provided the images of…

Opinion: China versus the rest of the world

Opinion: China versus the rest of the world By: 6560 Colonel (Ret’d) Andrew Nellestyn OStJ HCE MPPE PhD PEng China International Fund (CIF), aka China Sonangol, is trotting ground where others (America, France, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Soviet Union et al) have gone before. And beating them at their game. America under President George…

Returning to our ‘Royal’ tradition

Restoring the Historic Designations of the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Army, and the Royal Canadian Air Force The Canadian Forces (CF) are restoring the historic names the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN), the Canadian Army (CA), and the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). Since February 1, 1968, the names for the sea, air, and land…

Photos From the Past

In this Issue 31

e-Veritas looking for Realtor Ad partners in selected areas: Alberta: Calgary; Cold Lake; Manitoba: Shilo Area; Winnipeg; New Brunswick: Gagetown; Nova Scotia: Greenwood; Ontario: Trenton; North Bay; Help us out…have a successful Realtor from one of these areas contact us right away. FOR LINKS TO REALTORS – CLICK ON THE PROVINCIAL ABBREVIATION : REALTORS BY…

Staff Learns the Commandant’s Intent – First Hand

  Photos by: Alex Zaporzan Commandant speaks to Staff at Currie Hall By: WJO BGen Eric Tremblay held his first formal “talk” with civilian and military staff (all ranks) at the RMCC historic Currie Hall last Tuesday, 9 August. His nearly two hour address covered a lot of bases and left no doubt that he…

Ex-Cadets in the News

Major-General Jonathan Vance – 2011 Vimy Award Winner xx The CDA Institute is pleased to announce that Major-General Jonathan Vance has been unanimously selected as the recipient of the Vimy Award for 2011. The award will be presented on Friday, 18 November at a mixed gala reception and dinner in the Canadian War Museum, Ottawa.…

La Chasse-Galerie: 24498 Noelani Shore & 4815 Mike Jackson

“Logo courtesy of Sleeman/Unibroue” Oldest member of the Chasse-Galerie ready for adventure A/SLt 24498 Noelani Shore (RMC 2009)   As the oldest member of the Chasse-Galerie adventure, Colonel (ret’d) Mike Jackson is enthusiastic about joining his former classmate, General (ret’d) John de Chastelain in paddling the war canoe from Ottawa to Kingston in time for…

Where are they now?

18864 Lieutenant-Colonel Deanna “Dee” Manson, CD, P.Log, M.A., was appointed W Admin O at 4 Wing on 15 Jul 11, after graduating from the Joint Command and Staff Programme at CFC on 24 Jun 11. “I am very excited about this opportunity to cross-pollinate into the personnel administration and human resources discipline of the Logistic…
