Father and Son Connection at RMC

27 years ago Col Scott Gillingham walked through the Memorial Arch celebrating his four year journey at RMC.  On Thursday 16 May he had the pleasure of watching his son  2Lt Gillingham do exactly the same.  Col Gillingham was even able to present his son his commissioning scroll. Thank you to Col Gillingham for sharing…

RMC Trailblazers: A Conversation with France Hébert about How Life at RMC Prepared Her to Lead in Industry

“In my day, you entered in the service and military college, and it was about integration into the Canadian Armed Forces, into your unit. And now it’s very much about inclusion. It really sets a different tone in the service and at military college that is positive… RMC has created so many great leaders in the Canadian Armed Forces and in our country, and when I look at the young people that are coming out of RMC now, it will continue to do so.”

RCN Digital Leadership: Dawn Macdonald, Lieutenant-Commander, RMC Class of 2005

Article shared from the Department of National Defence Dawn Macdonald was born in Lethbridge, Alberta and raised in Fort St. James, British Columbia. As a high school student, she was attracted to the military for the same discipline that she had enjoyed while playing sports and studying martial arts. She continues to play soccer with a Halifax…

Interview with 20714 Steven Boychyn, RMC Class of 1997

When CMR and RRMC were closed, a great number of traditions were changed at the amalgamated RMC/CMR, but the change in the way we all wore our college #5’s (aspects taken from each of the colleges) didn’t change the fact that wearing the uniformed identified us a team that needed to be cohesive and competent. Allowing for individual aspects to be recognized and celebrated is created by making space for everyone to participate and learn; the practical application of respecting the dignity of all persons.

19728 Sarah McMillan CMR RMC 1995: navigating the seas of service excellence

After graduating with honours from Royal Roads Military College, in the Applied Military Psychology program, McMillan set sail in her defence journey by enrolling in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) in 1996. She began her tenure with the RCN as what was once called a Maritime Surface Officer (and is now known as a Naval Warfare Officer). From notably serving aboard the frigate HMCS YUKON and Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR) ship HMCS PRESERVER, and so many more in between, McMillan subsequently transferred to the Personnel Selection Branch and became a Personnel Selection Officer (PSO) in 1997. In this role, the point of sail for McMillan’s career pivoted — she worked with NCSM VILLE DE QUEBEC and HMCS PRESERVER as a Critical Incident Stress Counsellor during the Swiss Air Disaster only two years into her career.

Graduating with no Regrets By: 14344 Capt. Bruce S. Poulin MA, BA(Hon), CD

Things may be hard right now, and the rewards seem too far off. But remember, should you ever feel some doubt, a lot of experienced people believed in your abilities. You would not be here if you were not capable. A degree at a CMC is the sports equivalent of the Grey Cup of academic institutions. It is meant to be hard and a degree from here is supposed to be a significant milestone in your lives. Bring out your best selves and never lose sight of your goal – to win the CMC Grey Cup and graduate with no regrets.

Rick Gerbrecht: an unforeseen opportunity proves fortuitous

When most people describe their career path and the steps they took to enter the defence industry, they often reference years of planning and careful decisions. But for Rick Gerbrecht of thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Canada Ltd (tkMS Canada), his saga comes together a bit differently. He describes his entry into the field as a tale with twists and turns, a story that requires what he describes as “brutal honesty” here and there.

RMC Class of 1990 Graduate Named New Judge Advocate General

Col Holman succeeds Rear-Admiral Geneviève Bernatchez in the role of JAG. RAdm Bernatchez, who was the first woman to be appointed as the JAG on June 28, 2017, will be retiring having completed 26 years of service as a Regular Force Legal officer.

Interview with 16454 René Lafrance, RMC Class of 1988

Treat everyone with respect – Build working environments that promote diversity and inclusion, be open and listen to different perspectives. As a leader, opening yourself to different opinions and viewpoints will show respect, and will result in better decisions.

Interview with Lobna Chérif, PhD, CAPP, CRT, PPCC, MBSP

Life is a collection of moments and the present moment is the only moment available to us; the rest is the result of our mind’s ability to replay past scenarios and reminiscence, savour… or regret… or travel to the future and dream, create, innovate, imagine… or worry – so stay present, here and now;

Out of this world – 21364 Col. Jeremy Hansen is set to go to space!

For the first time in over 50 years NASA will be sending astronauts to the moon, this time with one of our RMC Alumni – 21364 Col. Jeremy Hansen, Class of 1999.

Chief of the Defence Staff announces first 2023 Canadian Armed Forces General and Flag Officer senior promotions and appointments

18078 LGen Lise Bourgon CMR 1992, Acting Commander MILPERSCOM, was recently promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General and remains Acting Chief Military Personnel and Acting Commander Military Personnel Command (CMP/CMPC), in Ottawa.
