Catching Up With the News

Why are UN Peacekeepers so badly equipped for modern conflict? Read the article   ______________________________________   Canadian military, diplomatic goals in Libya don’t match up Read the article   ______________________________________   New RMC leader brings wealth of experience to historic position “This is where (we shared our) first kiss, first house, first child,” he says,…

The Dawe Factor

The Dawe Factor By: 22323 Ryan Slate Writing this short piece on LCol (Ret’d) Peter Dawe’s retirement from the RMC Club comes with some personal embarrassment for not submitting it earlier! I would echo all of the sentiments written about Peter in the previous issue of Veritas, and would like to celebrate his contributions from…


MARKET ANALYSIS: THE INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT By: 6560 Colonel (Ret’d) Andrew Nellestyn OStJ HCE MPPE PhD PEng The 2008 global recession has created turmoil and uncertainty in the market and left no corner of the world untouched. Volatility reigns. What had been characterized as normal market behavior including time-tested paradigms which afforded a reasonable degree of…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Vignette photo : La course à obstacles aura lieu le 2 septembre et le public est invité à assister à cet événement spectaculaire et haut en couleur. Crédit : Mario Poirier COURSE À OBSTACLES AU CMR Saint-Jean Le vendredi 2 septembre 2011 de 9 h 30 à 11 h 30 La population est invitée à…

Notices | Avis

  REUNION WEEKENDS’ POSTERS – RMCSJ & RMCC ROYAL ROADS REUNION 2011 Birchall Leadership & Yellow Ribbon Dinner 2011 Running for Mic in the Army Run For the third year in a row, friends and family of the late Major Michelle Mendes will be running the Army Run (18 Sept 2011) in her honour. We…

Careers | Carrières & Thank you | merci

x Chief Advisor – Supply Chain / Conseiller principal en approvisionnement, KPMG, Montreal Assistant – Technical Manager / Adjoint au Directeur technique, Capt-Air Inc., Montreal Project Manager / Chargé de projets, Le Groupe Gesfor Poirier, Pinchin inc. Montreal Director of Public Works / Directeur des travaux publics, Ville de Granby, Granby Specialist in telecommunications networks…

Clocks & Construction Work

Photo by: 25779 Scott Nantes Did you know? Clock towers are well known Canadian Military College landmarks which served an important purpose. A clock tower can be freestanding or as in the Canadian Military Colleges part of existing buildings. The mechanism can mark the hour or segment of an hour by sounding bells, chimes or…

Memory Project – Stories of the Second World War

Memory Project – Stories of the Second World War Are you a veteran of the Second World War or know someone who is and would like to tell their story of service and sacrifice? The Memory Project would like to contact them to record their stories of the Second World War. Their interviewers are able…

RMCC @ FISU – Shen Zhen, China

The RMC contingent has landed safely in China. Darren Cates, Director of Athletics, and Steve Leknois, Men’s Volleyball coach were with the first group to arrive. Tae Kwon Do, coach Joel Ridley, and and his fighter, OCdt Jason Song arrived a few days later.  Over 13,000 athletes and coaches reside in the athlete’s village. Men’s…

Photos from the Past

In This Issue 30

e-Veritas looking for Realtor Ad partners in selected areas: Alberta: Calgary; Cold Lake; Manitoba: Shilo Area; Winnipeg; New Brunswick: Gagetown; Nova Scotia: Greenwood; Ontario; Borden area; Trenton; North Bay; Quebec: Gatineau; Val Cartier / Quebec City area. Help us out…have a successful Realtor from one of these areas contact us right away. FOR LINKS TO…

Ex-Cadets in the News

(click banner for link to full listing)   Meritorious Service Cross (Military Division) 16816 Lieutenant-Colonel Carl Jean Turenne, M.S.C., C.D. As commanding officer of the Provincial Reconstruction Team from January 2009 to January 2010, Lieutenant-Colonel Turenne contributed to the success of all allied operations in Kandahar province, Afghanistan. Working in close co-operation with the Canadian…
